Historical romance with a capital “R”…
“Joan of the Sword hand” has many of the sub-genre’s typical features “writ large”. Crockett has not one but two pairs of lovers whose future marital union would seemingly be well-beyond the bounds of possibility. His principals are fascinatingly glamorous. There is a dastardly villain (and a Muscovite to boot!) whose longed-for comeuppance appears well-nigh impossible. The settings are exotic. Preposterous titles abound – for a start, Joan is the Duchess Joan of Hohenstein (which gives her retainers ample opportunity to shout “Hoch” in her support). The fast-moving plot is shot-full of unlikely co-incidence, dark secrets, disguised identity and gender confusion. There are deeds of derring-do, thrilling rescues and gloriously over-written description. All in all it’s great fun to read! So readers everyone, re-charge your tankards with Wendishland ale and toast: “To Duchess, Joan… ‘Hoch’”. “Hoch”. “Hoch”… again and again and again… Stewart Robertson
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November 2019