September's Story Calendar is a short story first published in the magazine Vox Clamantium in 1894 and is drawn from the real life events of The Mauricewood Pit Disaster of September 5th 1889. Crockett was minister of Penicuik at the time of this disaster, and set up a relief fund (notably asking famous writers such as R.L.Stevenson for contributions) because the company only paid out to the legal wives of the deceased not to the common law partners and children. The story stuck with him throughout his life and was integrated into a later novel with equally political themes Vida, The Iron Laird of Kirktown (1907).
The story (36 minutes) is read by Cally Phillips. This month's story (a long one at nearly 40 minutes) is Love Among the Beech Leaves, is from the collection 'Love Idylls' (1901). It is set around Crockett's own childhood home in the Glenkens.
July's story comes from Crockett's non fiction An Adventurer in Spain which tells of his travels in that country in the late 19th century. It was originally serialised as 12 article/stories then published in book form in 1903. The work is heavily illustrated with over 100 photographs/drawings taken while he was travelling. This chapter 'City of Dream' talks of a place he calls El Seo... but as he says, he 'mixes those babies up' so that it's debatable where the actual location is. The story is read by Kenny Alexander.
June's Story Calendar Story is 'The Little Green Man' which comes from Sweethearts At Home (1912). It's a story for children (of all ages) but also interesting since the Bogle Thorn (the star of the story) has long since been lost, a victim of road straightening. The image above shows it in situ along the Laurieston (A762) road overlooking Grennoch (Woodhall) Loch.
May's Story Calendar is the opening chapter of The Raiders, Crockett's most famous book. Not least because of the line 'The moons of the months are wonderously different... and the moon of May is the loveliest in all the year' (Here's to our May full moon on 16th of this month)
The Chapter is read by Kenny Alexander. Night in a Galloway WoodTo commemorate the anniversary of Crockett's death on April 16th, this story comes from 'Bog Myrtle and Peat' (1895) and is read by George T Wight.
The Siege of M'Lurg's MillThe second story of Leeb Mclurg and her family (first one last month)
Published in The Stickit Minister and other common men in 1893, it can be downloaded to read for free HERE |
December 2022